W5: Personal Utopia: Designing Your Ideal Society

 Personal Utopia

A Place where everything is perfect is always human's goal to achieve but it is hard for us human to achieve. Utopia, an ideal perfection place is what we can think of in our dream. We could always design our ideal society which we call personal Utopia in our dream, so what aspect should be add in a society to make personal utopia. Let's start our discussion with aspect such as governance, education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and community life.

First, governance is always important in an Utopia. This is because without a good governance, people cannot gain the equity and justice for society. The easiest way to have a good and fair method to have a \ democracy governance in decision making process this is because the more people agree with the governance, the more power will be centralized. With the democracy method of governance can also be ensuring the unique needs for community. The policy will be ensured with fair and justice to all individual or team regardless of their background.

Next, education is one of the way to make all young and children to correct thinking style in future for Utopia to keep upgrade and update all the latest knowledge. So, education should be universal to let all of the young to choose whether they are suitable subject for their future roles. If they are good at science, they should be added into science stream, if they are good at art, they should added into art stream this can help people to make sure their future is correct pathway, only people they are good at both to choose which is their final pathway. Other than that, having curriculum is also importance as in the education because with clear head, we needed good amount of exercise in sport. Therefore, having curriculum is one way to have clear mind and brain.

Then, healthcare is important to keep us from continuing our journey. Hence, having good healthcare is a must to keep community alive. People should be always paying their healthcare every month with good amount according to their financial, even thought they did not use it every month, when the times comes, everyone can afford for their healthcare with how much they pay. People in Utopia should also be emphasize in their prevention in mental health and body health, so that they can have healthy body and mind for society.

Moreover, environment sustainability where human's live and bring their family into safe and harmony zone. We should always keep our place clean and make sure all the resources are used fairly and correct because environment is where all Utopian live, example always recycle,reuse paper, plastic and reducing any excessive waste. We should always use renewable energy to keep our environment safe and secure for future. This not only help keeping environment last longer and also help increasy economy and energy conservation can be last longer if any resources are used up.

Lastly, community is the way human communicate and have relationship, therefore having a good community is always important. To make community in Utopia better, we should always have diversity community with different ethnicity, hobby, and celebrate together, this not only bring sense of belonging into the member and citizens it also help increase the social stability. Example for this, we can have place and date for all of the community to celebrate together and having social media application to keep every individual join together.

To have ideally Utopia, we should always focus on this aspect, because this is the way to get society improve in innovative and future. This aspect also bring social cohesion which help empower the unity of the community for future generations. By having all of the aspect in correct way, we can have well being, growth, and happiness.


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